Cool T Shirt Printing, How to get more Clients from T-shirt Printing

Cool T Shirt Printing

Printed T shirts

How to Use Cool T Shirt Designs to Market your Business in South Africa. 

Simply put, create awesome brand awareness for your company by investing in t shirt printing services.

Contact our friends @ for the COOLEST T Shirt Design service in SA.

Example below…

cool t shirt design sa ideas

Do you want to go all out?

Get totally custom cool t-shirt design , printing All over t-shirts?

You need to check out these guys @

Get inspiration from cool shirts found on the internet, then contact a cool t-shirt designer like

They can assist with custom cool t shirt design services.

They will create a fresh design for your brand.

Get it printed @ or

Then post a competition on your site or simply start giving away your awesome new shirts to create instant brand awareness.


When you give, you get back.

“Our friends @ did a sponsorship project with a non profit dog & cat & pet free vaccination service” They sponsored 10 shirts to this cool cause.(see example below)

in return , the shirts created so much interest, it lead to gaining New customers who in tern ordered Some more shirts from our friends @

Resulting in MORE business, more word of mouth and more positive energy promoted, Give and Get back.

Contact our Friends @  for custom cool shirts,Then do some event and  give them away and see what happens.

Yes it is an investment, how-ever you need to spend money to make money 🙂

non profit shirt idea
non profit shirt idea

Contact our Friends @
